About Us


CVAN's mission is to provide safety, shelter and support for battered women and their children and to actively work to end domestic violence in our community.


In 1982, CVAN was created as the place and the voice for battered women and their children in Cabarrus County, NC. One of the first priorities was to start a 24-hour hotline.

Women said they needed a place to go. By a very hot August day in 1984, we opened our Shelter. A 100-year-old two story home in downtown Concord. Over 300 people - churches, businesses, individuals, groups - all came together to renovate the old house into a home.

    About a week before the Shelter was ready to open, a woman and her 2 children knocked on the door. "Is it ready?" She asked. We had to tell her not yet. One of the final touches to all the renovations was putting the final coat on the newly sanded hardwood floors. The woman came the next day and asked the same thing.

    By the 3rd day, and 2 days before the floor was ready, we told her yes, we'll open the Shelter. The floor wasn't quite ready, but she was. Until we had the floors re-sanded for our 25th year renovations, you could see "pock marks" throughout - her heels in the entryway. Our first resident literally leaving her mark.

Throughout the years, we built an array of services based on the needs of the women.

Click here to see and learn more about our services.

Click here to see our video with battered women sharing their stories.

Photo Gallery

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3/2/82 first meeting of 11 community members

9/10/82 CVAN incorporates as first place in Cabarrus County for battered women and their children

10/1/82 First donation ($15!) received toward first annual budget of $4927.

1/14/83 Belinda Deatherage started work as first staff. Now, CVAN has over 25 staff members including the store

3/1/83 24-hour hot line took first call, our first month we received 12 calls. We average 125 calls each month.

8/23/84 The first CVAN Shelter opened

11/6/84 First support group met, 2 women gathered

1/1/90 NC law changed, battered women can seek Orders of Protection without an attorney. CVAN began weekly Court Program

11/15/92 The second Shelter opened

3/18/94 First "Men For Change" campaign.

9/19/96 First Teen Dating Curriculum presented at Mt. Pleasant High School

9/26/04 CVAN's Cool Used Stuff, our Store, had Grand Opening

2007 CVAN celebrated our 25th Year with an extensive Renovation Campaign

2009 Partnered with CCM to open Transitional Homes

9/10/11 CVAN's Cool Used Stuff Thrift Store relocated and expanded

8/18/12 First Women 4 Women Luncheon raises $33,561 and is matched by Shoe Show, Inc.

2/11/14Begin Domestic Violence Classes in the Cabarrus County Detention Center

11/7/17First dinner delivered for Meal-a-Month program for Shelter families

2017 marked 35 years of providing safety and support for 30,134 women and children

12/19 opened Outreach Center at 109 Church Street

3/20 set up COVID-19 safety protocols

9/10/22 celebrate 40th Birthday supporting 36,733 women & children

8/23/24 celebrate 40 years of Shelter

PO Box 1749, Concord, NC 28026-1749 ~ 704.788.1108
© 2010-2025, CVAN - Cabarrus Victims Assistance Network