Donating Money

“I give because my mom was battered and there was no place like CVAN then. I give because if my daughter was battered she would have CVAN. I give because I can.”

- Donor

We answer our 24-hour line, we provide a comfortable home and food; we speak to middle schoolers about teen dating violence; we help women going through the court system……all because our community believes that we must. Domestic violence happens every 15 seconds, thank you for remembering and doing something about it.

Here’s how you can help:

Make a Donation

You can donate now by making
a secure online donation.

You can also download our mail-in donation form and send it in.

Give in Honor or Memory

You can give in honor or memory of someone special by making an online donation or downloading the form.

Special Events

Click here to go to our Men For Change Campaign

Click here to go to our Women 4 Women Luncheon page

Gifts of Stock

A charitable gift of stock provides an opportunity for tax savings while supporting CVAN. If you would like to discuss a gift of stock, please call Rebecca at 704.788.1108.

PO Box 1749, Concord, NC 28026-1749 ~ 704.788.1108
© 2010-2025, CVAN - Cabarrus Victims Assistance Network
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