Donating Items

So many families come to Shelter with the bare minimum - a few important papers and a garbage bag of clothes for the children. Because of your support, we are able to provide for the families when they arrive and as they leave the Shelter to set up a new life.

Shelter Needs

Our rule of thumb is anything you use at home, we use 10 times as much of!

On an ongoing basis CVAN needs:

For our Specific Needs at this time – Give us a call at 704.788.1108 or email at

Holiday Giving

We appreciate gifts for women and children during the holidays!

To find out how to help – give us a call at 704-788-1108 to talk more about our Holiday Program.

Donating Thrift Store Items

Clean out your attic, basement & closets!

CVAN needs:

All Clothes - men, women & children

Household/Housewares - such as kitchen, seasonal, decorations, small appliances, knick-knacks

Accessories - such as shoes, jewelry, purses, belts

Books, DVD's, CD's


Can't take - TV's, large appliances, mattresses, cribs, car seats, computers, building materials & magazines. At this time, we also can't take Furniture; toys; medical supplies; large baby items such as changing table, stroller; or hangers. If you aren't sure about a donation - give us a call. Thanks!

Where to Donate Your Items

We don't have the capacity to pick up items and rely on donors to drop off at our Thrift Store. Visit our Thrift Store Page.

PO Box 1749, Concord, NC 28026-1749 ~ 704.788.1108
© 2010-2025, CVAN - Cabarrus Victims Assistance Network
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