
Click to view our video for more on our services.

“I am so very grateful to everyone at CVAN for all the love and support…I have a nice home and I have confidence again. I didn’t think I could make it on my own. But thanks to you all I am doing great…”

-Former Shelter resident

24-Hour Hotline

704.788.CVAN (2826)

Our hotline is answered by a trained Advocate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It is a confidential line where you can call to talk, explore options, figure out staying safe, hear about our other services, and talk about legal referrals. Isolation is a big part of domestic violence. Calling is a big step for anyone. Our hotline is also available for friends, family and professionals who know someone who is abused and would like to talk about options. Our hotline is like our lifeline and the entry point for the other services.

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Our Shelter is a two-story 100 year old home in a confidential location in Cabarrus County. Thousands of women and children have called our Shelter home since we opened on a hot August day in 1984. In 2007, we did a complete renovation of our Shelter for our 25th Anniversary.  Take a photo tour of the Shelter.

It is a difficult decision to leave home and live in a Shelter. Women and their children come to Shelter because their homes are not safe. During their time in Shelter, there are two main goals. First, to begin to recover from the violence they have experienced. Second, to move forward in rebuilding their lives. There is a lot of work to do both emotionally and practically. For women interested in learning more about the process of coming to stay, they should call our 24-hour hotline to talk about what it means to come to Shelter. We’ll talk about living in a community and the rules and responsibilities of living in the Shelter.

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Supportive Counseling

In Shelter, each woman has her own trained Advocate who works with her on an individual plan. Besides exploring her feelings, there are many topics to consider such as where she will live, how she will stay safe, how she will make it financially, and the decisions around her children. For women who are not in Shelter, but out in the community, we can also explore options and resources through our 24-hour hotline or through our Outreach Center.

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Outreach Center

Our Outreach Center is a place where people can meet with a CVAN Staff Advocate to talk about what might be happening to them or to someone they know. A place where battered women can come in for counseling. And, a place where family and friends can get support and talk about ways to help. Call our 24-hour Hotline 704.788.2826 to make an appointment. Click here to Learn More

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Family & Friends Program

Almost all of us know a battered woman. It can be hard if you know someone who is battered. Whether you are family or friend, or a professional (medical, school, faith community, etc.), you can call our Hotline for support, and to learn about CVAN’s services and how to help.

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Children's Program

Although children are resilient, they also need someone to talk with about what they have experienced. We have trained Advocates to meet with the children who are living in Shelter. Our Advocates talk with children about their feelings and act as a liaison between mom and child.

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Court Advocacy

Whether or not to pursue legal options is an individual decision. Our role is to provide support, information and referrals. CVAN does not provide legal counsel. One legal option for women in North Carolina is to seek an Order of Protection (sometimes called a 50B). We have trained Advocates in civil court each week when the Orders of Protection are heard. Another legal option is criminal court. CVAN can also provide court accompaniment to criminal court. Call our 24-hour hotline to learn more about an Order of Protection, criminal court, or to talk about legal referrals.

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Support Groups

Support Groups are open groups for Shelter residents, battered women in the community and formerly battered women. Facilitated by a trained Advocate, the meeting gives women a chance to share their experiences and see how universal yet personal their lives are. As one woman said, “it sounds like we are all married to the same man!” If you are interested, call the 24-hour hotline for more information and our current schedule.

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Teen Program

Unfortunately violence doesn’t begin in adulthood. We have a two-day curriculum to look at teen dating violence in middle school classrooms and youth groups. We discuss expectations in relationships, how to help a friend in an abusive relationship and the messages about violence and relationships in music and the media. If you are interested, call our business line (704.788.1108).

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Formerly Battered Women's Advocacy

Early on, we learned that abuse doesn’t end when women leave. Staying safe and being financially secure are challenges that women face after leaving an abusive relationship.

We provide ongoing support by giving her a place to talk about her struggles and accomplishments - through our 24-Hour Hotline, Support Groups, and Outreach Center. In short, CVAN is here to provide emotional support for women who have left an abusive relationship.

We also have a range of practical ways that we help women after they leave. From passing along the items that are donated – from dishes, household items and clothes to a stuffed animals and toys for the children – we can help them rebuild a new place to call home.

We have a Holiday Program that comes around during all the major holidays –Valentines treats, Easter Baskets, Mother’s day gifts, Thanksgiving food and Christmas gifts. We share with our families what our community so generously shares with us.

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Women's Jail Program

We hold domestic violence education classes for women in the Cabarrus County Detention Center.

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Community Education

Our goal is to not only provide direct services for women and children but also provide education and awareness about the issue of domestic violence. We speak to groups as diverse as small church circles and large clubs to professional groups and associations. If you are interested in having someone from CVAN speak to your group, give us a call on our business line (704.788.1108)

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CVAN values diversity - we welcome and encourage people from diverse backgrounds.

PO Box 1749, Concord, NC 28026-1749 ~ 704.788.1108
© 2010-2025, CVAN - Cabarrus Victims Assistance Network
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