CVAN's Cool Used Stuff

543 Concord Parkway N.
Concord, NC 28027

Phone: 704.721.9020

Tues-Sat: 10am - 5pm

All our profits go directly to helping battered women and their children find safety, shelter and support through our many services.

Donations: The merchandise comes directly from you, the community! We accept donations at the Store during Store Hours.

CVAN accepts:
All Clothes – women, men & children
Household/Housewares - such as kitchen, seasonal, decorations, small appliances, knick-knacks
Accessories - such as shoes, jewelry, purses, belts
Books, DVD's, CD's

Not able to accept:
toys; large baby items such as cribs, changing table, stroller; or car seats
large appliances; furniture; mattresses; computers; TV's
medical supplies; building materials
hangers or magazines

Please note: restrooms and changing rooms are currently closed. Please keep children with you at all times.

At our Store, you will find a great combination of fabulous bargains in an inviting atmosphere. Thank you for shopping and donating!

Click here for more information on donations.

PO Box 1749, Concord, NC 28026-1749 ~ 704.788.1108
© 2010-2025, CVAN - Cabarrus Victims Assistance Network
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